Heroes of Newerth Blog

Bombardier - Remodeled

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 01:02 AM PDT

So, S2Games, maybe we will got this Bombardier this week, because seems like they still working on this and also the beloved Map Editor.We also got a new patch 0.2.94 in test client, so I think the patch will be this week.

DotA 2 Released and What Maliken Said about this ?

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 01:04 AM PDT

So, today, the big news, Valve and Icefrog announced their game, DotA 2, a DBG(Dota Based Game) with new cool features, the most cool is Coaching, I'll talk about this in other place, see more info below this post.
So lets jump on what Maliken said, remembering the forum goes mad about DotA 2.

I wanted to address some concerns that I see in the forums:

Perception is everything and I can see how some may perceive the most recent couple of months and very "unproductive" for the continued development of HoN. From that view it may be seen that we're not working on HoN inside the S2 organization. I apologize that the 1000s of hours we have been working on quite a few things can't be seen more immediately.

There seems to be a certain segment of our community who feels we are happy with the money we have earned from HoN and we simply don't care about the product. This couldn't be further from the truth. Since HoN's retail we have been hiring, enlarged our staff, and HoN continues to be S2's main priority. Unfortunately many of the things we have been working on are not visible to you all just yet.

Valve and Ice Frog have announced their upcoming game DotA 2. As can be seen on these forums, many people feel HoN will be severely impacted. While there is some truth to that, it is up to S2 to make sure HoN is a great game and able to compete. We already have an excellent product that has achieved tremendous success and continues to generate significant sales and revenue for S2. We plan to make that product better and create new ways to draw more attention to the game and increase our playerbase even more than its current growth rate.

The challenge is welcomed and you can bet we plan to "bring it!"

Game HoN!!!!!!!!

S2 Staff Member

Go go HoN and S2Games, and FYI
I'll keep blogging this No.1 HonBlog also I cant wait to see DotA 2 in 2011, it will be a very an amazing and spectacular competition between S2Games and ValveFrog's combo ! Also I'm working on the DotA2 Blog, but I already knew that Dota-Blog.com also NeutralCreeps.Blogspot.com already pioneer in DotABlog, unlike me...but no problem, keep figthing !
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