Heroes of Newerth Blog

Nigma as the New Community Manager

Posted: 30 Sep 2010 07:48 AM PDT

Hello citizens of Newerth!

I am pleased and excited to announce that from this day forward, I will be operating as the Heroes of Newerth Community Manager. My primary role will be to act as a liaison between yourselves and the S2 developers, making sure that your concerns are acknowledged and addressed while granting all of you greater insight into what S2 is working on and the statuses of long-term projects. My goal is to greatly improve the transparency between players and developers, and to help foster the ideology that Heroes of Newerth is a community-driven game. Some of you have been understandably upset that you've been kept in the dark about certain projects, while others of you have expressed skepticism about your concerns being heard. My job is to alleviate those issues, and to in turn improve your Heroes of Newerth experience. I'm a man with a plan, and I'd like to outline that plan for all of you:

Mission Statement: S2 Games is determined to offer you the best product possible, and I am determined to do my part in facilitating that possibility. We expect to be judged by our accomplishments and merits alone, and the size of our company should not be relevant in either criticism or defense.

Course of Action: My primary focus will be to increase transparency and understanding between the development team and you, the players. In order to accomplish that and to generally improve your Heroes of Newerth experience, I view the following as potential regular content:

  1. Regular "What S2 is working on" articles outlining what's in the works, what's soon to come, and what's on the minds and beards of the Gorilla guys.
  2. Utilizing forum threads, polls, and other tools to identify the most pressing needs and concerns of the community, so that I may relay them to the development team.
  3. Nifty contests and events that allow you all to showcase your unique interests and talents. HoN Halloween costumes contest anyone? [S2]Mercenary has agreed to dress up as Nymphora... Yes, I know, pics or it didn't happen.

I will of course also keep up with my regular patrolling and trolling of the forums to make sure that none of you get too frisky and that we stay on course in improving this community.
Like many of you, I had a fair share of questions and concerns heading into this role. I've gotten the answers, and I'd like to share what I've learned with all of you as my first undertaking as your new community manager.

Why has there been such a long delay since the last patch?

As S2Games has moved its office from the Bay Area to Michigan, there has been significant downtime in most fields of operation. Thankfully, the move has finally reached its end and S2 is prepared to start rolling out regular content again. As you can see, we have already started final testing on the latest patch which will include some exciting new content, and we hope to greatly reduce the time between patches starting now.

Content-wise, what is S2's current priority, and what's coming soon?

Currently, S2's next major priority is Team Matchmaking. We are working hard to bring you guys this feature and hope to have it done and delivered as soon as possible.

What's the status of the Report-A-Player feature?

The RAP feature has undergone a major technical and staffing overhaul, and should now be functioning much more smoothly. Having an effective report system is one of our top priorities at the moment, and the RAP system will continue to improve. We also plan to increase the transparency of this feature to help clear up any ambiguity in regards to rule breaking.

Will we see the map editor soon?

The Map Editor is well underway and will be coming soon.

S2 Staff Member
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