
DotA 6.70c Map Download - Dota v6.70c Released!

Posted: 29 Dec 2010 08:49 PM PST

IceFrog has released another bug fix patch, DotA 6.70c. This is the second bug fix patch within a week after Dota 6.70 release. This patch continues to address the bugs and errors which were left in 6.70b.DotA 6.70c Map Download:DotA v6.70c.w3x (7.75 MB)DotA 6.70c Changelogs:* Fix a couple of important bug We hope DotA 6.70c map remains a fix release so, IceFrog can continue his future projects
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DotA 6.70b Map | DotA Allstars 6.70b Map Download & Changelogs

Posted: 28 Dec 2010 05:43 PM PST

IceFrog has released another patch Dota 6.70b short after the 6.70 release. This map adds support for Turkish Language and fixes a lots of bugs with Tuskar and Phoenix abilities and visual glitch while picking up Gem of True sight with full inventory. So, download the latest DotA 6.70b map and enjoy playing without bugs.DotA v6.70b Download:DotA v6.70b.w3x (7.76 MB)DotA 6.70 Changelogs:* Added

DotA 6.70 AI Map Download

Posted: 28 Dec 2010 08:34 PM PST

Recently, the DotA developer, IceFrog released Dota 6.70 with a lots of new changes consisting of new items and heroes. Now it's time for DotA 6.70 AI to come as there are a lot of players waiting waiting for it.The current DotA AI makers, Harreke and PleaseBugMeNot are already working on DotA 6.70 AI project. They are working very hard and diligently to port all the heroes and items to the new
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Warcraft Map Feeds

DotA 6.70 Released!

Posted: 25 Dec 2010 06:34 AM PST

DotA 6.70 has just released along with the latest DotA 6.68c AI. Check it out!

- DotA 6.70 Download
- DotA 6.68c AI Plus CIPD Download
- DotA 6.68c AI BMP Download

Enjoy the new year with a brand new maps! :)

Read More... Warcraft Map Feeds

Heroes of Newerth Blog

10$ for HON Account - Xmas Promo

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 08:00 PM PST

So apparently Maliklause give us gift by giving a promo for only 10$ you will get a HON Account, fabulous !
So create your account now guys, and taste the Dampeer sucking your blood in Xmas !

Or maybe you guys can also purchase the 30$ pack with additional bonus 250 coins !
Bring this joyfull christmas to Newerth, Merry HoNismas you guys !

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DotA 6.70 Map Download & Changelogs

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 08:30 AM PST

Dota 6.70 has now officially released by IceFrog. The new version brings a lots of new changes such as, 2 new heroes in Sentinel Tuskar & Phoenix with a stunning loading screen by Kunkka. The new version also introduces 3 items which were pretty expected in this release. There is a lot of balancing changes done as well. Download DotA 6.70 map with it's changelogs & enjoy the Christmas!Official

DotA 6.68c AI Beta by PBMN

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 05:40 PM PST

BuffMePlz successor PleaseBugMeNot has just came up with new DotA 6.68c AI Beta. This is the second beta AI which is directly released by the developer as a Christmas present. The previous beta map had some bugs and memory leaks but this 2nd beta map is 100x times better than previous map posted here, as PBMN says. This new map contains -alldagon mode and several other improvements to AI

Dota Tuskar Guide | Ymir, Tuskarr Strategy, Gameplay & Item build - Dota 6.70

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 01:02 PM PST

Ymir, Tuskarr is the Christmas present from IceFrog to all Dota community along with Dota 6.70 map. Ymir, Tuskarr is basically a strength based hero which is also added in sentinel like Icarus Pheonix. The detailed guide of Ymir Tuskarr is given below. So check out the full Dota Tuskar Guide | Ymir, Tuskarr Strategy, Gameplay & Item build.Tuskarr Introduction:<!-- more -->Hailing from Borean

Dota Phoenix Guide | Icarus, Pheonix Strategy, Gameplay & Item build - Dota 6.70

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 12:40 PM PST

Icarus Phoenix is the newly introduced hero in Dota 6.70 map by Icefrog. It's a strength based hero which is added in sentinel. Icarus Pheonix is added in strength pool which is an strange act by Icefrog but anyway it's a great hero with good spells and eye candy graphics. You can read Icarus Phoenix hero details, Item builds and skill builds here.Phoenix Introduction:Ancient scriptures spoke of

DotA 6.70 Changelogs | Read DotA Allstars 6.70 Changelog

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 01:14 PM PST

IceFrog has finally released the highly anticipated DotA 6.70 map which contains two new heroes, Tuskar, Phoenix and 3 new amazing items along with new loadscreen. The new map has a lots of balancing changes to the heroes gameplay, this map undoubtedly one of the best map release so far.DotA 6.70 Changelogs:Heroes- Added a new hero, Tuskarr.- Added a new hero, Phoenix.Abaddon- Frostmourne bonus

DotA 6.71 Map Download (News & Updates)

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 08:28 AM PST

As the recently released DotA 6.70 brought a massive new changes to main gameplay of DotA. So, in the near future there will be IceFrog will probably release a balancing patch update in form of DotA 6.71 which will balance the gameplay.This post is created to provide you all the updates about the upcoming Dota 6.71 - We will update this post as soon as any news is available. As of now, You can

Dota 6.70b Map Download

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 01:27 PM PST

As the 6.70 gone live in the public with a massive number of changes and ultra balancing. There is a quite a big chance of bugs & errors in this current release. So, Dota 6.70b is going to be released soon as a bug fix patch.It will fix all the DotA 6.70 bug & errors that were detected and reported by the Dota community. We hope Dota 6.70b Map will be the final version of Dota 6.70 series and so
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Heroes of Newerth Blog

GDN present Casual Mode Guide part 1

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 04:50 PM PST

Casual Mode is an entirely new addition to HoN and many players who are adjusting to its unique set of rules have been wondering what the best ways to master the new mode of play are. This guide, which will be split into three parts, will squash some common misconceptions on what is the most effective way to dominate Casual Mode. Part one of the guide will go through the changed rules and how each applies to the new gameplay on a practical level. You'll have to check back to see what we'll be revealing in parts two and three of the guide!


Casual Mode Analysis:

Rule Changes:
  • Exp range from 1000 to 1300
  • Removed gold loss on death
  • Increased hero bounty
    •  Hero base gold bounty: from 200 to 300
    •  Hero gold bounty per level: from 5 to 10
  • First blood bonus: from 200 to 300
  • Gold bounty per streak: from 50 to 75
  • Hero assist gold totals 50% of kill amount, split between all assisters
  • Radius assist gold base: from 30 to 0
  • Radius assist gold per level: from 5 to 0
  • Respawn time per level from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
  • Denies no longer deny experience
  • Uphill miss chance removed
  • Creeps give 1.25x of average normal mode value, no gold fluctuation
  • Buildings give 1.5x of average normal mode value, no gold fluctuation
  • Towers give global experience when killed, even to dead people, (by tower level): 150,200,250,300
  • Tower last hit gold bounty: from 470,520,570,620 to 300,350,400,450
  • Tower Team gold bounty: from 200,240,280,320 to 300,350,400,450
  • The amount of experience required to reach the next level increases as the game goes on. This means that at the beginning, players level up a lot faster than in Normal Mode, but in the mid and late game they level up at about the same rate as in Normal Mode.
  •  Buyback costs are at 1.75x normal mode values
  •   owers' armor scales with number of players alive; Buildings have 100% of armor when all are alive, scaling to 0 armor when your entire team is dead.
 All of these changes were made with one goal in mind – to create a faster, more action packed game mode, which rewards aggressive play and player vs player interaction. Now we'll dive into how the rule changes influence each phase of the game.

Early Game:

Larger experience radius and the removal of experience denial work to make the early game more forgiving. Like in normal gameplay, a dominated lane composition will still be bothersome; however, in Casual Mode you will at least be able to level up as normal. Also, if you have a slow start you can make up for it later because more gold is given throughout the game for creep and hero kills. The Casual Mode experience curve allows heroes to level up at a quicker pace so players will gain their arsenal of abilities earlier on. As a result you should focus on getting your aggressive abilities early on to establish an advantage. Like Normal Mode, Creep kills are important, but even if you're getting out-farmed early, don't worry because you'll catch up as you help your team to rack up the kills. In both modes creep kills are important, but with Casual Mode you don't need to stress if you start getting out-farmed early on. You'll catch up as you help your team rack up kills.

Mid Game:

Hero kills are more gold – in fact, you can earn over50 percent more gold in Casual Mode. This makes them relatively more attractive than creep kills, as those are worth only 25 percent more. Getting in the action and netting kills or assists provides you with a large income boost without having to grind out creep kills. During this phase, take advantage of the dynamic tower armor mechanic to push after a successful gank. Dead enemy towers signify map control, as well as a very considerable boost in gold and experience for your entire team. Take out the enemy farmers to watch your bankroll grow and then pick up some items to help you scale later on. The bottom line is that, in this phase of the game, Casual Mode favors bold and aggressive moves.

Late Game:

Casual Mode games will almost always reach the late game. Carries will get their chance to display their prowess, and as in Normal Mode late game, every mistake can be fatal. Watch your step, because the buyback cost is exorbitant this late into the game; even though you've made more gold, the opportunity cost (the items you'll have to pass up) of buying back will be enormous. Make sure that your early-mid game performance carries over by making wise item choices into the late game—since everyone will be getting some items, what you get to counter their choices will ultimately decide the outcome of the game.
In the next part of the guide, we will delve into hero roles, and how they are individually affected by the changes brought on by Casual Mode.
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Merry Christmas, DS!

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 07:18 PM PST


In behalf of the mod/maid team, let me extend a warm and jolly ‘Merry Christmas’ to the people who continue to make DS an awesome DoTA community… YOU.

Here’s to another successful year to DS!

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Heroes of Newerth Blog

GDN present Grimm's Crossing Strategy Guide part 3

Posted: 22 Dec 2010 05:22 PM PST

Part III: Details, Details, Details

Every map has its tricks, and Grimm's Crossing is no exception. This final part of the Grimm's guide will put you in the know regarding optimal ward spots and clue you in on some neat tricks. Ward Spots: In a map as small as Grimm's Crossing, wards become even more important, as each ward covers up a greater proportion of the map. Grimm's is all about ganking and action, so the key information that map control and wards can convey will usually decide who ends the game as a victor, and who ends the game with a sad face. Below we examine some of the best ward spots on Grimm's Crossing, and in what situation each of the ward spots is optimal.

A and B: These spots will remain important throughout the game as they give vision of the rune location, as well as paths leading into the rune location. Try placing a ward on the location that's furthest from your own base (if you were on the right side of the above picture, you'd opt to place at A) so you can see enemies before they enter the central rune area.

Spots A and B will allow you to see into the rune spot as well as to either side 

C and D: Located near the teleporters these spots provide a great view into a side of the middle section. It's a good idea to try and keep one up on the enemy side of the map whenever possible to allow for aggressive play and prevent enemies from farming neutrals. Place on your own side if you're afraid of getting ganked after your outer towers fall.

Spots C and D give a huge range of vision on a side of the middle section 

E-H: These spots give vision on a tower and its surrounding area which can come in handy when pushing or aggressively ganking because they eliminate the cover of trees next to an enemy tower. If you're petrified of getting ganked yourself, put up a ward by your own tower to provide some additional coverage.  

 Spots E-H give vision on a tower and its surroundings- including key juke-spots
 $: This is an awesome spot for a Ward of Revelation to counter enemy vision. It will spot any wards on spots A or B, and maybe even a C or D spot ward if your opponents placed it too far toward the center.

Spot $ provides an optimal location for a Ward of Revelation


The pinnacle of in-game highs, jukes will infuriate your opponents and leave you grinning with satisfaction. Below we examine the map's many juke paths and give you some tips on leaving your foes confounded.

 Giant map of juke paths. Red lines indicate hidden paths one can take

Teleporter Juke:

Teleporters transport you from one to another, and can be life-saving when under pursuit from the enemy. After going through a teleporter, if you have a couple seconds lead on your pursuer, duck behind the line of sight-obscuring weeds to vanish.

 Sneaky like ninja

Promise of Candy:

Lure them suckers in with the promise of candy... only to snatch it away and take their wallets. Hide in the nook created by the middle section's rune spot, and as an enemy approaches to take the rune, grab the rune from right under his nose and unleash your fury upon him.

 I haz candy! Come getz.

You Shall Not Pass!:

Grimm's has a lot of tree paths and juke spots, but most of them are only large enough for one hero to get through. If you can block off an enemy's preferred exit through a juke path, you can force them to go ways that will result in their demise.

 Jeraziah does not accept fake Ids
 These are just some of the awesome things you can pull off on Grimm's Crossing. It's a map all about action and player interaction, so everything you do will be crucial in deciding who is victorious! Take note of the small details, learn about the map and discover what your favorite parts are – and then exploit them to your tactical advantage.
 We here at S2 are very happy and excited about our new map, Grimm's Crossing. Hopefully this guide in its three parts has given you some insight and helpful tips so that you can quickly get in the mix and have a leg up on your competition. As always, we eagerly await your feedback, and can not wait to play alongside all of you on Grimm's Crossing. Game HoN!

Patch 2.0.4 Changelog - Vampire Holiday Patch

Posted: 22 Dec 2010 05:37 PM PST

Version 2.0.4
- Added a new Hero, Dampeer

- Added a new Alt Avatar for Dampeer in the store: Vacation Dampeer!
- Added a new Alt Avatar for Flint Beastwood in the store: Captain Flint!

- Added new account icons to the Store
- Added more flags upon request to the store
- Added new Icons for the minimap

- Added a new "Terror" overhead icon for When you are feared
- Improved feedback in Matchmaking for leavers
* This now tells you how many games you need to play to be a non-leaver
- Romanian string table update
- Fixed crash if you used the mousewheel over a playerlist in a chat channel without clicking, and then hit Up
- Fixed a drawSelectedPath crash
- Fixed any attempts to auto-follow into matchmaking games
- Fix to prevent alt avatars from being selected during hero loading
- Fixed Neutrals aggro and added a ZZz effect over their heads when they are asleep

- Added Spellshards as recommended items to some heroes
- Fixed Geometer's Bane to correctly remove the "Attack this hero!" indicator when used

- Fixed Maliken's weird textures with sword mode on
- Fixed Legionnaire's Charge so it doesn't cancel when you use it on someone on the edge of fog
- Fixed Legionnaire's Charge affector interacting poorly with Moraxus' Shield; it now procs it only if Moraxus is the main target of charge.
- Fixed Rampage's Charge so it doesn't cancel when you use it on someone on the edge of fog
- Fixed Night Hound's Pounce so it always does the bonus damage
- Fixed up the weird interactions with Pharaoh mummy and other heroes. You could get pushed and pulled from weird angles and this fixes that
* Also makes the circle around him of mummies slightly more circular
- Fixed Bubbles' and Gladiator's abilities with timers so they reset to 0 correctly if you use the ability early
- Fixed Soul Reaper's Judgment, it was hitting siege units before
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Heroes of Newerth Blog

GDN present Grimm's Crossing Strategy Guide part 2

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 06:04 PM PST

Missed Part 1 of the series?
You can click to read the GDN Grimm's Crossing Strategy Guide part 1

As you probably know, Heroes of Newerth play on Forests of Caldavar centers entirely around farming and gold. You pick lanes that maximize your team's farm so that your carry will be able to free-farm a few waves and keep the enemy farm down. You control the map for more and safer farm. You win team fights so that you can go back and farm while the enemies lose gold and respawn. Everything revolves around farming creeps for gold until your team grows stronger than the other team.. Grimm's Crossing throws this all out the window.

Grimm's 3 players, 2 lanes structure, in conjunction with a very condensed area between lanes, makes the map a ganker's paradise. Ganking in Grimm's will be more frequent and less costly, and like on Forests of Caldavar, it will help determine how your team progresses relative to your opponents. The key difference, however, is that ganking on Grimm's should not be followed by periods of passive farming, but rather continued ganking or pushing. A successful gank reduces enemy tower armor and gives you a number of advantages in the lane. Compounded with the dearth of farm locations and the quickness of reaching your opponent's base, the post-gank dynamics strongly encourage a push or other aggressive action. All of this makes gank-pushing the most effective play style in Grimm's Crossing.


Effective Ganking on Grimm's Crossing:

  • They're less costly to attempt, so try them often!
  • Use tree cover and the teleporters to gain the element of surprise.
  • Work your way in and get behind the enemies to make them run sideways instead of toward their base.
  • Work with allies to cut off all escape paths  especially those to the outside of lanes.
  •  The rune spawns in a guaranteed location in the middle every 2 minutes. Anticipate its spawn and use it to boost your chances of success.
  • Keep in mind you don't have to leave your lane on Grimm's to initiate a surprise fight or gank. The many tree paths along the inside and outside of lanes allow for intra-lane ganking.

After a successful gank, use your number advantage to push and cause permanent damage to buildings. With enemy towers losing 1/3 of their armor per enemy dead, you'll chip away quickly at tower health. The bonus gold and map control granted from killing enemy towers can be decisive deciding factor.

Heroes of Newerth Pushing Tips:

  • Be aware of where the remaining living enemies are, and predict what position they'll take.
  • If you expect no resistance, don't be afraid to use all of your skills on creeps to get to the push objective more quickly.
  • If an enemy hero over-extends while trying to delay your push, disengage the tower and pick him off. This happens often, and can let a simple single tower push become game-ending.
  • Keep in mind that bases on Grimm's Crossing are not elevated! Do not fear pushing into the enemy base, it's just like any outside tower.

The bottom line is that Gank-pushing is the most effective style on Grimm's Crossing, which is excellent news for those craving action and immediate, tangible rewards for landing an awesome kill. Be aggressive, execute well, and take down the enemy base. It's what this game should be all about, right? In the next and final part of this guide, we'll explore the finer details of Grimm's Crossing and shed some light on its tricks and secrets.
Check in with GDN tomorrow for part 3 of the Grimm's Crossing strategy series and later in the week for a three-part series for Casual Mode.
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