Dota 6.67b Bug, Abuse and Exploits. Looks like even after the release of Dota 6.67b, some bugs still remains. And one of the bug that still not fixed is the Magnus drag-me-to-hell bug. Even though this is not as game breaking as the Dota 6.67 Bug (perma-crit on Gondar), the Dota 6.67b bug is also pretty amusing.

If you're doing it right, you will dragged to your own base after the teleport. What makes it game-breaking is, you can also drag your enemies too into the base as you can see on the below video, WOOT! -_-" (maybe it will be a litle bit difficult, but possible)

Well, without much saying, here is the vids and how to reproduce the bug:
1. Use Magnus (Magnataur) and level up Skewer.
2. Get Kelen's Dagger & Scroll Of Town Portal/Boots of Travel.
3. Hold [Shift] button and teleport to a tower/unit, click the Dagger and target the ground you wanted. Continue with clicking the Skewer and target it to yourself (your hero portrait). This must be done while you're still teleporting.
4. Release [Shift] button.
5. After teleport and using the Dagger, Magnus will use the Skewer and keep moving into your fountain.

I assume maybe there will be Dota 6.67c to fix it, but it all back on IceFrog decision. Enjoy!
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