Dota 6.66b Changelogs | Download Dota-Allstars 6.66b Changelogs. To download the map.

* Fixed a major exploit recently discovered

* Recoded Bounty Hunter's wind walk damage bonus as to not require two seperate attacks to trigger his new passive

* Some Doombringer nerfs:

- Reduced base armor by 2
- Reduced base movement speed by 10
- Increased Scorched Earth cooldown from 60/50/40/30 to 60/55/50/45

* Readjusted the Divine Rapier pickup rules to prevent some abuses.

If the first time the item is lost from its original owner it is picked up by an allied hero, it becomes muted (no damage) until it returns to its owner. If an enemy acquires the rapier, it same rules as the previous version. Here are the complete rapier rules to clarify:
- "Original Rapier" has two modes, active and muted. It is active (bonus damage, droppable) when carried by the owner and muted (no damage, droppable) when carried by an ally
- "Free Rapier" is the item state that occurs when an enemy acquires it. This is a permanent transformation for the item. It will always provide bonus damage and will always be undroppable, regardless of how it switches sides back and forth afterwards. This is the same as the previous patch.
Summary: The primary change that is done here is that a hero cannot intentionally pool the rapier to his ally.

* -unlock now requires a majority vote before the gold and items of a leaver will be released. As a reminder, once a hero is unlocked, it cannot be switched.

* Added a 15 second wait period before the drafting begins in -CD to give both teams a chance to look at the heroes.

* Renamed the controlon/off commands to be clearer which is which. They are now -disableselection (-ds) and -enableselection (-es)

* Various map optimizations
* Fixed an old recipe fusing exploit with leaver items that could result in crashes
* Fixed Essence Shift on units that change form
* Fixed a couple of bugs with Dark Pact debuff
* Added replay data for creep kills/denies (at time intervals,
format: "CSK"+I2S(PlayerID),value and "CSD"+I2S(PlayerID),value)
* Fixed various tooltips
* Fixed gold not being split after using -unlock when someone leaves via -kickafk
* Fixed being able to -unlock while a switch vote is ongoing
* Fixed some spells incorrectly triggering Magic Stick/Essence Aura (Devoured Neutral Troll Priests Heal, Radiance Swap, etc)
* Fixed some -CD language text issues as well as some missing parser information
* Fixed Arcane Ring recipe purchase hotkey
* Fixed some potential Basher bugs on some levels of Spirit Bear
* Fixed an abuse possible with one hero carrying multiple Urn of Shadows
* Fixed the second Forged Spirit from being added to your control despite having control helper turned off
* Fixed a bug with -switch when you have Rapier (that you don't own) on you
* Fixed a few other misc minor bugs
Read More... Dota 6.66b Changelogs - Download Dota Allstars 6.66b Changelogs
Warcraft Patch 1.24dPatch 1.24d Warcraft Offline Installation Guide. If you're not able to connect into and yet wanna update into the Warcraft 1.24d Patch, you can download the patch from the mirrow below:

Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24c to Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24d Patch (you must have 1.24c installed)

War3TFT_124c_124d_English.exe (HotFile)
War3TFT_124c_124d_English.exe (Blizzard)

Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24d Standalone Patch
War3TFT_124d_English.exe (HotFile)
War3TFT_124d_English.exe (Blizzard)

If you still failed to upgrade into Warcraft Patch 1.24d with those link, i recommend you to use Warcraft Version Switcher 1.24d.

Enjoy the Warcraft 1.24d Patch!
Read More... Warcraft 1.24d Patch Download | Offline Installation Guide
Dota 6.67 Map, Dota Allstars 6.67 Map, Download Map Dota 6.67 Free Update. Dota 6.67 map will be soon released. For those of you that have the info or suggestions please give your comments on this blog.
Dota loading screen
So, if you can download last map on Dota Allstars Map update.
Read More... Dota 6.67 Map - Download Map Allstars 6.67 Free Update
Dota 6.67 ai, Dota Allstars map 6.67 AI, Download Dota 6.67 AI Plus. Dota 6.67 AI will be the next AI map after Dota 6.67 coming out. Even though the original map is not yet coming out, Dota 6.67 AI surely will come after it. BuffMePlz hopefully will still develop Dota 6.67 AI as usual with the previous version.
Dota 6.63 Loading Screen
Stay Tune on This Blog Dota 6.67 ai, Dota Allstars map 6.67 AI, Download Dota 6.67 AI Plus!
And this is dota 6.67 map official dota allstars 6.67 download update.
Read More... Dota 6.67 ai - Dota Allstars map 6.67 AI Download
Dota 6.66b - Dota allstars 6.66b, Download Dota 6.66b. could be another fix release, Why? because IceFrog made some big changes in Dota 6.66 especially to the most popular hero, Lucifer - Doom Bringer. And changes always leave chance for bugs. So, IceFrog might release Dota Allstars 6.66b map to fix them.
So, far no major bugs are floating around but this page will keep you updated with the newest updates regarding Dota 6.66b. If you are facing any problem or found any bug, share your experience via comments.
Dota 6.66b Download Link :
Dota 6.66b Download - Hotfile Mirror
Read More... Dota Map 6.66b - Dota allstars 6.66b Download
dota 6.66 6v6Dota 6.66 6v6 Map - Download Map Dota-Allstars 6v6 map has just released by God-Tony. Wow, we see a lot of number "6" on it! This map is Dota 6.66 map added with one player on each side. Enjoy!

Dota 6.66 6v6 Ver.1 Download Link
DotA_Allstars_v6.66_6v6.w3x via Hotfile
Read More... Dota 6.66 6v6 Map - Download Dota Allstars 6v6
Dota 6.66 AIDota 6.66 AI Plus - Dota Allstars 6.66 AI Plus Map Download & Update. Dota 6.66 AI Plus - Dota-Allstars 6.66 AI Plus Map Download News and Update. Dota 6.66 has just released with Doom Bringer remake and lots of balances. With those changes, many people will search for Dota 6.66 AI and test a lot of new stuff. Rest assured, this post will cover all information about Dota 6.66 AI. BuffMePlz now working hard to port Dota 6.66 AI as soon as the official map is released.

All the latest Dota 6.66 AI updates will put in this post! Stay tune! ;)

Update 1 from Buffmelzon 7 January 2010 : Next version with STILL still be 0.213
Got the script changes for 6.66 from IceFrog, working double-time on the map to get this done ASAP. Don't expect the bots to use a lot of the new abilities just yet, I'll do more work on this after I release, just want to get a version out where people can start playing with the new heroes/abilities/items.

Still aiming to release by the end of the month. Sit tight!
Just as i though, even though the Dota 6.65 AI have not finish yet, BuffMePlz going straight on creating Dota 6.66 AI 0.213. Good luck BMP! Be patient guys, he's working hard now for Dota 6.66 AI :)
Dota 6.66 Download Link
DotA Allstars v6.66.w3x (6 MB)
Read More... Dota 6.66 AI Plus - Map Dota Allstars 6.66 AI Plus Download & Update
Dota 6.66
Dota 6.66 Map - Dota-Allstars 6.66 Download free Official Map Released! - Dota-Allstars 6.66 Official Map already released! Some balance have been made, especially to Ursa, and a hero with skills remake. Guess who? You are right! It's Lucifer the Doom Bringer! Now Devour will give him the ability of the devoured creep! His Scorched Earth also will give him 30 heals/second. I guess IceFrog wanna make Dota 6.66 a special edition for this devil character ;) (PS: 666 is a devil number) Check the complete changelogs and download link of Dota 6.66 in this post.

Dota 6.66 Changelogs:
The changelogs is huge so i place it on Dota 6.66 Changelogs post

Dota 6.66 Download Link
Dota 6.66 Download - GameWebz Mirror
Dota 6.66 Download - GetDota Mirror
Read More... Dota 6.66 Map - Download Dota Allstars 6.66 free Official Map Released!
Dota 6.66 Changelogs - Dota-Allstars 6.66 Complete Changelogs. To download the map, check the Dota Allstars 6.66 post.


- Flaming Lasso cooldown decreased from 130/90/50 to 90/70/50

- Wild Axes now properly hits invisible units

Bounty Hunter
- Jinada cooldown improved from 22/17/12/7 to 21/16/11/6

- Rocket Flare cooldown decreased from 30/25/20/15 to 20/18/16/14

- Added Aghanim's Scepter for Undying.

Regular Plague Aura
- Plague Aura amplifies up to 20% / 25% / 30% max and heals for 6% of heroes and 2% of creeps
Scepter Upgraded Plague Aura
- Plague Aura amplifies up to 25% / 30% / 35% and heals for 10% of heroes and 3% of creeps

Doom Bringer
- Reworked and rebalanced most of his abilities

Old Devour:
Creeps: Up to level 1/2/4/6
Bonus Gold: 10/20/30/40
cd: 30/25/20/15
manacost: 50/45/40/35

New Devour:
Creeps: Up to level 2/4/5/6
Bonus Gold: 40/60/80/100
cd: 60/55/50/45
manacost: 60

Gains the abilities of the target neutral creep has until you devour another creep with abilities to replace it

Old Scorched Earth:
Large aoe castable.

MS Bonus: 10/15/20/30%
AS Bonus: 10/15/20/30%
Deals: 1/2/3/4 dps
Heals: 1/2/3/4 dps

Duration: 20
CD: 10
Manacost: 60
Cast Range: 800
AOE: 700

New Scorched Earth:
Temporary effect around you. Earth is scorched wherever you are walking.

MS Bonus: 20%
Damage: 15/20/25/30
Heals: 15/20/25/30

Duration: 8/10/12/14
Cooldown: 60/50/40/30
Manacost: 60
AOE: 600

Old Doom:
-Duration: 12/14/16
-DPS: 40/60/80
-Cooldown: 160/130/100

-Duration: 14/16/18
-DPS: 50/70/90
-Cooldown: 90/80/70

New Doom:
-Duration: 14
-DPS: 30/50/70
-Cooldown: 110

-Duration: 14
-DPS: 50/80/110
-Cooldown: 90/80/70

- Echo Slam no longer counts corpses for damage Echo damage (They used to count them for partial damage)
- Aftershock AoE from 280 to 300
- Enchant Totem damage increased from 50/100/150/200 to 75/150/225/300
- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Earthshaker's Echo Slam (echo bounces twice for each hero it hits)
- Echo Slam's Echo damage increased from 35/45/65 to 40/55/70
- Echo Slam's unit search aoe increased by 75 (this is not the damage aoe, just the initial unit search aoe)
- Note: The main idea with most of these changes is to emphasis the timing aspect of the echo slam more. Some other buffs are done to compensate for the reduced power from the corpse count loss.

- Movement speed increased from 295 to 305
- Enchant's slow effect increased from 10/20/30/40% to 20/30/40/50%
- Enchant's slow effect duration decreased from 7 to 5.5 seconds

Faceless Void
- Timewalk slow increased from 10/20/30/40% to 25/30/35/40%
- Timewalk cooldown rebalanced from 13 to 19/17/15/13

- Invoke cd from 30/25/12/5 cd to 22/17/12/5
- Invoke manacost from 20/50/80/110 to 20/40/60/80
- Alacrity bonus damage increased from 20-80 to 30-90
- Alacrity duration increased from 8 to 9
- Chaos Meteor damage improved:
Main damage from 40-130 to 55-145 every 0.5 seconds
Burn damage from 8-26 to 11-29 per second
- Cold Snap now applies an initial ministun on cast
- Forged Spirits Armor is now based on Exort and Range is now based on Quas
- Ghost Walk manacost reduced from 300 to 200
- Ghost Walk slow rescaled from 10-40% to 20-40%
- Ice Wall manacost increased from 125 to 175
- Ice Wall cooldown increased from 20 to 25
- Sun Strike damage rescaled from 75-450 to 100-475
- Tornado range increased from 700-3100 -> 800-3200
- Tornado duration increased from 0.6-2.2 -> 0.8-2.5
- Tornado damage increased from max of 375 to 400
- Quas per instance regen from 0.75 to 1

- Blade Fury cooldown reduced from 30 to 30/28/26/24

- Cold Feet manacost increased from 90 to 90/100/110/120
- Ice Blast impact delay is a little slower now
- Ice Blast no longer pierces Shallow Grave
- Ice Blast debuff is now purgable

Ogre Magi
- Fireblast Multicast upgraded cooldown improved from 15/12/9/6 to 12/10/8/6

Obsidian Destroyer
- Essence Aura no longer has a lower chance to trigger when autocasting Arcane Orb

Priestess of the Moon
- Moonlight Shadow manacost from 200/250/300 to a constant 175

- Decrepify cast range increased from 550 to 550/600/650/700

Queen of Pain
- Scream of Pain now effects Decrepified units

Spirit Breaker
- Nether Strike now makes Spirit Breaker magic immune for the second that he is fading out during its cast
- Charge of Darkness decreased manacost from 120 to 75
- Charge of Darkness cast mechanic reworked

Charge of Darknessnow charges up in place for up to 4 seconds and then you move out at a speed relative to how long you charged it for. (Total movement bonus is the same as before, it just depends on chargeup time now instead of increasing slowly over time)

- Pounce Leash now gets removed if the target blinks or teleports away
- Shadow Dance passive no longer works if Slark is Doomed

Ursa Warrior
- Undid previous cast animation change on Overpower
- Fixed a bug in the recent Overpower rewrite that prevented it from being removed by purge/euls

- Soul Assumption damage per charge decreased from 130 to 110
- Soul Assumption manacost from 100/120/140/160 to 100
- Soul Assumption cooldown from 7/6/5/4 to 4
- Familiars Bounty reduced from 150 to 100
- Familiars now magic reduction from 70/95/95% to 95% at all levels
- Familiars bonus damage attack count increased from 6 to 7
- Familiars now have a small (160) ranged attack instead of melee
- Gravekeeper's Cloak recharge time improved from 14/12/10/8 to 10/9/8/7

- Fatal Bonds damage increased from 3.75/7.5/11.25/15% to 15%
- Fatal Bonds link count reduced from 5 to 2/3/4/5


Aghanim's Scepter
- Added Undying and Earthshaker

Divine Rapier
- Can no longer be destroyed by attacking the item
- If a player other than the original owner of the Rapier picks it up, they cannot drop it

Force Staff
- Double clicking force staff now acts as if you clicked on yourself

Maelstrom & Mjollnir
- Increased max bounces from 3 to 4

Phase Boots
- Cooldown from 12 seconds to 10 seconds
- Duration from 6 seconds to 5 seconds
- Movement bonus from 10% to 12%

Scroll of Town Portal
- Double clicking on scrolls now automatically targets your fountain

Game Play and Cosmetics

* Switch now only works as long as the items of the leaver remain intact. Once someone leaves, the inventory of that hero becomes locked. Players can use an -unlock command, but once that is done switch cannot be used on that hero anymore. Once this feature is used enough to be considered stable, switch will be usable by default (-so mode won't be required) with the restrictions described above. The gold that the leaver is carrying is also frozen until the hero is either unlocked or swapped.

* Added a new command, "-controloff"/"-controlon", to disable control help in the game (to prevent stuff like adding summoned units to your current selection: Invoker, Techies, Lanaya, etc)
* Added a new test command to toggle creeps spawn off and on -spawnoff/-spawnon
* Restored -mc, but with more detailed statistics to match up with the recently changed Multicast chance system
* To prevent some abuses with -unstuck, it no longer works if your taking damage during the first few seconds after you enter the command

* Doubled Satyr Trickerster manapool and purge manacost (primarily affects just stolen ability via Devour)
* Fixed the teleport effects sometimes being visually on an angle
* Fixed Nightcrawler status buff text format
* Fixed Tango visual buff being slightly inaccurate (this is just a cosmetic improvement/fix)

* Added a visual effect for allied players to indicate which creep you infesting
* Added a new sound set for Furion (91160)
* Added a new sound set for Clockwerk
* Added a new visual effect for Spirit Lance
* Added new charge icon for Soul Assumption (137459)
* Disabled visual charge indication if the cooldown for Soul Assumption is not ready
* Added a new overhead indictor for Soul Assumption (137459)
* Added an visaul effect when Eclipse misses to help players keep track (109017)
* Phantom Assassin images now have the proper fade visual effect (114120)
* Improved Eyes In The Forest cast animation (95740)
* Added new visual effect for Flesh Golem (51874)

* Game mode status, rune messages and a few other misc strings are now externalized properly to allow for more flexible translation choices
* Added replay parsing data for assists (Format: "Assist"+I2S(KillerId),DyingId)

Bugs Fixes

* Fixed a few areas where you could get stuck in using TP scrolls
* Fixed Malefice not reliably working if the enemy is fogged
* Fixed Last Word from firing off on the precast for Ice Blast and Unstable Concoction
* Fixed Ice Blast indicator staying at edge of map until you release it
* Fixed Ice Blast debuff from overriding Time Lapse
* Fixed some Dark Pact bugs
* Fixed Essence Shift from piercing Shallow Grave
* Fixed Essence Shift sometimes not registering properly at high attack speeds
* Fixed Murloc sometimes not attacking the pounced target
* Fixed dispersion damage on creeps
* Fixed bugs with Charge of Darkness interaction with euls and ghost scepter
* Fixed some mac specific bugs

Enjoy the brand new Dota 6.66 :)
Read More... Dota 6.66 Changelogs | Dota Allstars 6.66 Changelogs
Dota 6.65Dota 6.65 AI Plus - Dota-Allstars 6.65 AI Map Free Download. Dota 6.65 AI Plus - Dota-Allstars 6.65 AI Plus Map Download News and Update. Dota 6.65 has just released with 2 new heroes and lot of other changes. I'm sure a lot of player will search Dota 6.65 AI to test some strategy with the new map. Don't worry, this post will cover everything about Dota 6.65 AI BuffMePlz already said that he's back and ready to work on Dota 6.65 AI as usual.

All the latest Dota 6.65 AI information will be placed here! ;)

Update 1 from BuffMePlz on 7 January 2010
I had some experimental AI scripts for Admiral and Clockwerk in the pipeline, but I haven't been able to focus too much on this recently and in the interest of releasing 6.65 AI as soon as possible, I'll probably hold off on this stuff for now.

IceFrog has sent me the script changes and I've been slowly integrating them. I'm aiming to release by the end of this month.

Thanks for your patience.
Looks like it will take a little longer this time for Dota 6.65 AI 0.213. But at least we know that BuffMePlz works hard on creating Dota 6.65 AI :) Good luck BMP!
Read More... Dota 6.65 AI Plus - Map Dota Allstars 6.65 AI Free Download
Dota Allstars Map LayoutDota-Allstars Map Layout - Dota-Allstars Download Map Layout. Dota-Allstars Map Layout. Have you ever imagine to have a Dota-Allstars map layout on your desk before your team battle? Well, you are lucky. Ironfisto from hears you and make that possible. He created a map/layout of Sentinel and Scourge for all Dota-Allstars fans. And that means us :)

You can use this for various things. Before have a match, now you can set your tactics with your team like those football players. You can discuss where your team gonna put Techies bombs or even where you should bait the enemy. The more important is, i can give you some more guidewith this map :D The link for the high resolution version is on the end of this post.

In this couple days, i will post Juke Point guide, Ward placement guide and rework the Neutrals Creeps guide. Geez, so many change on the neutral creeps and i'm so lazy to update it until now ^-^" Here is the link for the bigger size of the map. Enjoy your day :)

Download Dota-Allstars Map Layout (PNG - 729x619 - 1.03 Mb)
Download Dota-Allstars Map Layout (PNG - 1260x1126 - 3.49 Mb)
Read More... Dota Map Layout - Dota Allstars Download Map Layout
dota 6.65 6v6Dota-Allstars 6.65 6v6 Ver.1 map has just released by God-Tony. This map is basically a Dota 6.65 map with one more player on each side. Enjoy the map!

Dota 6.65 6v6 Ver.1 Download Link :
Read More... Map Dota 6.65 6v6 Ver.1 Map Dota Allstars 6v6